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7 Simple Steps to Help Build Your Self-Confidence

You’ve no-doubt realized by now, that Self-confidence isn’t just about ‘going for it!’
If it was, everyone would have the confidence to do whatever they wanted, with no anxiety or worries.
This ebook walks you through becoming a self-confident person, by explaining a process anyone can follow.
Doing simple, repeatable things are especially useful. For example, you can improve your confidence by setting small goals, making healthier choices, taking care of your spirit, and seeking support, etc.
By following the 7 tips found inside, you’ll be able to:
● Improve your level self-confidence.
● Get to know and accept yourself better.
● Overcome self-sabotaging thoughts and behaviors.
● Develop your skills, learn new things and enjoy new experiences.
● Improve your physical, mental, and spiritual well-being.
● Enhance your relationships with the people around you. And more!

Destroy Your Social Anxiety Gremlins

This short book, ‘Destroy Your Social Anxiety Gremlins’, is the first step to unravelling your years of suffering.
It’s true that everyone has a different interpretation of what Social Anxiety Disorder(SAD) actually is. That’s because everyone’s experience of it is different.
Maybe for you, social anxiety is feeling a bit uneasy when visiting a new destination. Or maybe you get cold sweats before public speaking. You might even feel that having all your teeth out without anaesthetic, would be better than interviewing for a new job, or sitting through a work evaluation?
Unfortunately, the term ‘Social Anxiety Disorder’ covers a huge spectrum of symptoms.
If you’re like the millions of people who suffer with social anxiety, you know the symptoms can result in limitations, panic attacks, or even virtual paralysis at the most inconvenient times.
Well, it doesn’t have to be like that. It’s perfectly possible for you to become an accomplished public speaker, or smash your next job interview, etc.
This short ebook lays out 8 basic steps to get you there.

Improve Your Life with Self-Hypnosis

This short ebook will teach you the basics of self-hypnosis. By following the suggestions you can create a happier, more fulfilled life.
When I decided to write this self-hypnosis book, I had one intention. To help you grasp a basic understanding of Hypnosis. And, to give you the tools to help you overcome the unhealthy situations that we all meet from time to time in our everyday lives.
Just imagine how much happier and more self-contented you’d be if those problems could be lifted from your shoulders with very little effort and how pleasant it’d be, if the process for doing it was enjoyable.
By simply reading this book and following its suggestions, you’ll find that you’re in a position to control these unhealthy events and therefore benefit your body and mind.
Using self-hypnosis, you’ll increase your level of concentration; you’ll feel happier, healthier and more relaxed than you ever thought possible. And the best bit? The things you’ll need to do to make these amazing changes to your life is FUN!!

The Confidence & Personal Success Workbook

This program explains the basic reasons for your low self-confidence and lack of personal success. Then, it helps you to become the person you want to be.
The main reason people continue their journey through life wishing things were better, yet never seeming to get there, is because they’re not aware of the reasons for their current situation and therefore, they don’t understand how they can change their situation.
That’s one of the things that we’re going to cover in this workshop, because without understanding why you react to situations the way you do, you won’t have the knowledge that will drive you on to achieve more.
This program sets out to explain the basic reasons for your low self-confidence and lack of personal success.
Then using simple examples and the proven technique of SMARTER goal setting, provide you with everything you need to build a structured and hugely successful process. Helping you to create your own explosive self-confidence and untethered personal success.
Once we’ve come to terms with the reason for our past, we’ll begin the process of improving our future.
When it comes time to complete the practical side of the workshop, make sure you’re able to put aside the time and energy it requires. Taking the time from your life now, for a lifetime of self confidence and success has to be worth it doesn’t it?

The Inspiring Quote Book

We all need some inspiration sometimes.
Inside this powerful quote book you’ll find thoughts and musings to give you the boost you need!

Finding your WHY ~ The most important part of goal-setting

If you’ve read the article on ‘Finding your WHY‘ you’ll need a simple way to record your answers to the 6 important questions, that help make your Goal-setting a success.
Download and print these pre-prepared worksheets.

S.M.A.R.T Goal-Setting Worksheet

If you’ve read the article on making your confidence goals SMART, this single page goal-setting worksheet will make it easier to set powerful SMART goals.
Download and print this worksheet for each of your goals.

W.A.N.T. Worksheet (for goal-setting)

If you’ve read the article on how to W.A.N.T. your goals, this single page worksheet will make it easy to build up leverage on yourself to achieve the goal.
Download and print this worksheet for each of your goals.

Core Values

If you’re struggling to discover your own Core Values, this worksheet will help.
Even though the list of possible Values is almost endless, the examples here should point you in the right direction to discover yours.