Succeed to be Successful – Be a Success

Is there a formula to be a success?
Well, the definition of success is different for everyone. But, there is a process you can follow that will help you reach your own success.
Some of these things you might have under control already and that’s great. But I’ll go through the entire process, just in case 🙂 .
There are hundreds of websites teaching hundreds of techniques to be a success, but in essence, they all come back to the same simple steps.
Use Succeed to be a success
In order to be a success in any endeavour, first you need to SUCCEED… And in this case, SUCCEED is an acronym for the process.
Excuses Create a Feeling of Failure
What do each of those really mean?
Let’s break each of those down….
S — Set goals.
How will you know when you’ve succeeded, what steps will you have to complete on your way to being a success?
U — Understand.
Understand that just setting goals isn’t going to get you the results you aspire to. You need to find the Passion that drives you to achieve those goals. Find a big enough reason why you want to achieve the goal. How you intend to get there can come later.
C — Cast out false beliefs.
Beliefs are only what you believe to be true., Many times, they’re probably not true at all and are likely holding you back. If you question them, chances are you’ll see they’re not true, or at the very least, not relevant. Then you can set about changing them for more empowering beliefs that’ll encourage you and drive you on.
C — Count your blessings.
Take time to remember your previous successes and think about all the good things you’ve achieved in your life. Being grateful is one of the greatest forces available to you, it puts your life into perspective and gives you the drive you need when things don’t appear to be going great.
E — Excuses
Excuses create a feeling of failure. One of the greatest causes of failure is telling yourself stories about why you can’t do something. “I don’t have the time”, or “I’m not clever enough”, or “I’m too old/young”. For every excuse there’s an example of why that isn’t true. Everyone has the same amount of time in the day, maybe you could cut down on distractions, watch less TV, or get up a bit earlier every day.
Albert Einstein’s poor attitude at school got him expelled. His school teachers thought he may have been mentally handicapped . Nowadays we’re inundated with information and remember, you only need to learn the basics of a subject to get started. As for being too young, or old, 15-year-old Jack Thomas Andraka has successfully developed a distinctive method of detecting pancreatic, lung, and ovarian cancers which is approximately 26,000 times less expensive ( it costs about 3 cents) and 168 times quicker (it takes about 5 minutes) than all previous and current treatments and Colonel Sanders was 65 years old when he started Kentucky Fried Chicken.
E — Every result is feedback.
It’s a fact, that you’ll fail at something more times than you succeed. No one gets it right first time. The difference between being successful and failing, is that successful people see every ‘so-called’ failure as a learning experience, they change their approach in light of the new information and then they try again. One of my favourite quotes from Thomas Edison is “If I find 10,000 ways something won’t work, I haven’t failed. I am not discouraged, because every wrong attempt discarded is a step forward….”
D — Decide to be successful.
Success in any subject needs to be a MUST for you. People don’t give everything to something they WANT, but they will definitely give everything to something they NEED! Again, make sure you’re clear WHY you want it.
So, to be successful, you need to S-U-C-C-E-E-D first!
It might seem complicated when you’re reading through these things, but they all come together pretty easily once you get started. If it’s easier for you, get comfortable with them one at a time. Then build on that success with the next one.
Let me know your views in the comments below. 😉