My Mission

The Issue
There are a huge amount of people in the world, who struggle to make real progress in their lives, because of fear about their ability or competence. It’s often unknown, that increased self confidence can be gained by making small incremental changes to the way they operate day-to-day.
Everyone is capable of making these changes, but they often don’t know how. And you can’t learn, what you don’t know you need to learn. That is where I’m trying to make a difference.
How It Started
I was relentlessly bullied at school, which lead to a painfully low self-esteem and non-existent self-confidence.
After a spectacularly quick recovery from having a brain tumor removed (after my wife whispered to my vegetable-like body, that my tumor wasn’t Cancer!). I realized that the human brain was capable of incredible things.
I decided to set out on a journey, to raise my self-esteem and explode my level of self-confidence, using my mind as a tool to destroy my Demons. (You can read more about that part here.)
Mission accomplished! (That part of my story is on the same page too.)
My Mission
My mission, is to bring recognition that self-esteem and self-confidence are learned skills. And to provide information, guidance and tools, to help you build your own self-confidence and self-esteem, in ways that work for you, and, to help you build a positive mindset for the future.
The Benefit
It’s extremely difficult to achieve a high degree of self-confidence quickly, when you’ve spent years being restricted by your own thoughts. It is however, easy to make small, incremental changes that bring about bigger, more meaningful changes that last long term.
The main issue with making huge changes quickly, is that often, one failure can be enough to bring the whole confidence mountain falling down.
But, by making small improvements every day, you don’t just learn ‘how to be confident’, but you become a confident person.
Once you’re a confident person, failures can be treated as learning experiences that increase your self-confidence, rather than destroy it.