In this final part, we’ll be discussing some of the simple steps you can take, to control panic attacks, and control your anxiety, by beating the gremlins that are causing the fear.
Tag: empowering thoughts
These are the thoughts we have that give us a boost, or improve our self-esteem, or confidence.
Do you have anxiety attacks? Find ut why the cause might not be what you think!
Not sticking to your resolutions early on isn’t uncommon. Here’s some tips to get you back on track.
If you’re trying to boost self-esteem, one of the things that really helped me, was the thoughts of many fabulous writers. here’s a few of my favorites.
Is there a formula to be a success? Of course! You just need to know where to look 🙂
I guess, like most people, you’ve heard of setting goals using SMART? But, have you thought of using WOOP instead? Let’s find out more.
Well, here it is! It’s time for the party… and you’re dreading it! Take advantage of these 7 tips and be confident at the party.
Almost all Social Anxiety and low social confidence issues are due to a low self-esteem. So, let’s look at how we can beat that.
Writing a letter from the future, to yourself, is a magnificent tool for increasing your confidence and self-esteem.
We all know that social anxiety is a pain in the ass. This article will give you a boost when you’re feeling crappy about an up-coming situation.
What one thing do people do, that helps them live a full and exciting life? They set out to grow a little bit every day. Here’s 20 ways you can grow.
Any project works better if you have a plan. And of course, that includes your ‘project’ to increase your confidence. Let’s get started.
One of the biggest excuses people give for not trying new things is fear of failure. Today, I’m going to help you face your fears.
Today’s tip is to pretend to be confident, even in situations that at the moment, still scare you. It can be easier than you think.
Does positive self-talk have any real benefits? And alternatively, does using negative language create any real problems? Today, we find out.
Do you let your anxiety stop you enjoying life? Let’s see what we can do about that 🙂
Failure is part of everyday life for everyone. But if you can, you need to fail more often. Let me explain why.
We all have dreams, right? But, how can you go about making your dreams a reality? Let’s find out.
By the end of this article, you’ll understand exactly what to do, to create a positive mindset that will transform your self-confidence.
Have you ever noticed how a single negative thought can spiral into a mountain of self-doubt? Learn how to reduce negative thoughts in 6 simple ways.
When you hear the words ‘Self-Care’, do you automatically think of expensive spa days? Well, daily, simple self-care practices are free and better.
Even though it’s only trying to help, when you listen to your inner voice, it often creates more problems. Let’s find out how to make improvements.
You’re not always to blame for what happens to you: you are responsible for how you feel about it. That includes taking responsibility for your confidence.
Why should you change the way you think? Well, negative thoughts severely impact our self-esteem and should be challenged. Here’s how NLP can help.
We all get drawn to distractions now and then. I’m sure you know what it’s like? Sometimes it’s absolutely essential to watch just one more episode on Netflix, or, send
The power of self-discovery “Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.” – Aristotle One morning, Maya stood in front of her mirror, feeling like a sculptor
Are you someone who finds it difficult to take responsibility for your actions when you make a mistake? Let’s change that today.
I often get asked “Why should I start a journal?” Well, actually there are so many benefits to Journaling, that I thought I’d give you some of the most common.
Today’s Quick Confidence Tip is to do something that makes you nervous.
Being successful isn’t about being perfect, it’s about moving forward even in the face of fear. Get some inspiration from these 5 inspiring quotes.
On a journey to improve your confidence, it’s good to know how you got where you are.
So, todays tip is to learn from your past experiences, to help determine your future.
We almost always talk about adding things to our life to make it better. Today, I’m going to ask you to remove one thing from your life.
One of the biggest enemies of self-worth, is your own inner critic. You have to crush negative self-talk. This quick confidence tip shows you how.
Have you ever found yourself trying to see the good in a bad situation and failing miserably? Try asking a better question.
If something has happened and you’re sad, you need a way to stop being unhappy, right? Here’s a way that everyone can use.
Your belief system is a library of stories you tell yourself, to explain the things you experience in life. Unfortunately, most of them are lies.
Around 95% of your decisions are made automatically, determined by your values. Let’s find out how those values affect your decisions.
If you want to boost your confidence, but you’re not sure where to start, concentrate on the present and forget about your past failures.
These 4, simple-to-perform habits to increase your happiness and confidence, will make your life more fulfilling.
Do you find yourself thinking… everyone secretly judges me, or thinks I’m an idiot? Well, it’s simply not true! Find out more inside.
If you improve your self-belief, you’ll be happier, more confident and better equipped to tackle challenges. Here’s 10 ways to do it.
Can you fake confidence? Absolutely! And it will increase your real confidence. Let’s find out why it works and how to do it.
You get what you focus on. So, this post will help you to build a positive mindset so you can focus on the right things.
Knowing how to improve your motivation is a great skill. Without motivation, we’d all be sitting in front of the TV all day! Here’s 10 tips to help.