5 Tips to Help You Feel Better About Yourself

5 Tips to Help You Feel Better About Yourself

Do you want to feel better about yourself?

Feel better about yourselfEveryone wants to feel better about themselves. Even if you’re super confident, there’s always room to improve, right?

So, in this article, I’m going to give you five things to help.

Remember that comparing yourself to anyone else is a waste of your time. You’re not someone else, you’re you. And you’re the only one like you.

But, if you want to be a better version of you, read on…

1. Accept that it’s okay just to be you.


Believe in yourselfDoes everyone seem to be telling you what’s best for you? in a lot of cases, their probably telling you what would be best for them (if you were to do it). Remember that you’re an individual and you have the right to live your life how you want.

No matter who you are, or how successful you might be, there’ll always be people around who’ll say you can do better for yourself.

It’s okay to listen to, and take advice from other people. But make sure that in the end, the decision you make is the one that’s best for you.

Being a ‘people pleaser is a very frustrating way to live your life. It feels good in the short term, but you’ll never truly feel better about yourself, until you start doing things for you.


2. Stop comparing yourself to other people.

Just be YouAs I just mentioned, you’re an individual and the only one who can be you. You’re not supposed to be like anyone else.  Your perspectives, abilities, hopes and dreams are exclusively yours. And they’re just as important as anyone else’s.

If you constantly compare your achievements to what other people have achieved, you’re diluting your own skills and achievements. Everyone has something unique to bring to the table. Just because your gift isn’t the same as someone else’s doesn’t mean it’s less useful or relevant.

So, if you have to compare yourself to something, compare yourself to the best possible version of you, and work toward that.

3. Be grateful for what you have.

Be gratefulEvery single person on this planet has something to be grateful for. Even if for some people that’s as simple as waking up this morning. Believe it or not, you have so much to be grateful for.

I can guarantee that you have many, many skills, abilities, memories, successes, possessions and people in your life that thousands of other people would love to have.

Take some time each day to remember what makes you and your life special. If you don’t, you begin to stop recognizing all the good things you have already. So, before you go to bed each night, write down three things you’re grateful for from that day, and why.

You’ll be surprised at just how lucky you are already. The simple act of being grateful can make a substantial difference to your outlook.


4. List your successes and accomplishments and review them often.

Feel better about yourself by listing successesThis is a great one to remind yourself just how successful you’ve been in the past.

You’ve been successful many times in your life and you’ve achieved many things. One of the biggest problems we face, is when we take on a new project, we often tend to get overwhelmed by what’s still to be done and forget to give ourselves credit for how far we’ve already come.

So, remember to take some time and notice just how successful you’ve been in the past.

You’re successes can include things like, passing an exam, getting a new job, decorating your home, giving birth to your baby, etc.

Once you’ve remembered a few of your previous successful achievements, consider what you can learn from them and put those attributes to work on your future projects.


5. Do some things that stretch your comfort zone.

Step outside your comfort zoneIn nature, anything that doesn’t grow, dies. So, make a pact with yourself to try something new sometimes.

All clichés are born from fact. And it’s certainly true that ‘any experience that doesn’t kill you, will make you stronger’. Any experience you have will teach you something, even if it was just that you didn’t enjoy the experience.

Treat every experience you have, (as long as it isn’t life threatening ), as an opportunity to grow. In fact, even if it was life threatening, you still learned not to do it again 😬

If you follow these tips on a regular basis, you’ll be amazed at how much better you’ll feel about yourself.

I’d love to hear about how well they worked for you, so let me know in the comments.


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