21 Ways to Increase Your Happiness and Self-Esteem Every Day

21 Ways to Increase Your Happiness and Self-Esteem Every Day

In this post, I’m going to give you 21 simple ways you can increase your happiness and self-esteem.


Let’s get started

A few years ago, I took part in a podcast on creating a morning routine.

And if that’s not something you’ve heard of before, it’s simply a set of actions that you do every day, as soon as you wake up.

By doing these things every morning, you give your day meaning, enthusiasm and energy. It’s one of the best ways to build positivity into your day and increase your happiness, from the moment you wake up.

Doing something for you will increase your happiness

In every morning routine, I believe there’s one thing that’s a necessity… Decide on one thing every day that you can do for YOU. Something that will give you joy and will make today a good day.

In the Podcast, I suggest giving yourself 5-10 minutes, to just think about something you’d like to either do, experience, or achieve during the course of that day.

It doesn’t have to be anything big, or extravegant. In fact, it’s oftentimes the small things that give us the greatest pleasure, so don’t make the thought of finding something stressful.

So, in this post, I’m going to give you some ideas.

Some, you might decide are ideal for the way you live your life. Some, you might not get at all.

But, the reason for the list isn’t just to give you practical and workable ideas, but to also get your thought juices flowing, so you can come up with ideas of your own.

So, let’s get to it. here’s…


21 Ways to help increase your happiness and self-esteem every day


1. Eat your favorite food.

We all have a special food. Something we either don’t have very often because it’s expensive, or we know isn’t the best for our diet, etc. But, everything in moderation. If it’s something you like, let yourself enjoy the experience even if it’s only once every few months. Allowing yourself that small pleasure will really make your day.


2. Take a walk on the beach

Feel the loose sand under your feet, the wash of the ocean over your toes. There’s nothing like it


3. Make someone smile

One of the best ways to feel good, is to make someone else feel good.


4. Try a soft drink, you’ve never tried before

Experiment with a soda you’ve never tried before, or be bold at your local coffee house.


5. Buy some freshly baked bread

The smell of freshly baked bread is one of the most magical aromas (it is to me anyway 😉 ) It always makes me feel good. Why not visit your local bakery and inhale the goodness!


6. Get your hair done

Everyone feels better after a fresh haircut, or getting a new style. Give it a go.


7. Get your nails done

Same as above. Get your personality put on your finger nails.


8. Take a walk in nature

So many studies have shown that walking in nature is one of the best ways to relax and unwind. Take advantage of your local nature. Drink in the pleasure of what the World has to offer.


9. Buy yourself a small, completely impractical gift just because you like it

What’s that one thing you’d really like to own, but couldn’t find a good enough reason?  Being alive today could be the reason. Who’s going to tell you different? When you spoil yourself, even in tiny ways it pumps up your Seratonin and Dopamine levels.


10. Take a few minutes to listen to your favourite songs

Music is a great way to boost your mood. Set aside a few minutes to blast out your favorite tunes. Sing and dance along if you want to!


11. Make a note about something you’re grateful for

Reminding yourself how lucky you are, is a really good way to improve the way you feel. Even simple things things like having the support of a loved-one, or a roof over your head and fresh food to eat is a luxury many people can’t afford. This is something you should be doing every day in a journal.


12. Call someone you haven’t spoken to in a while

Make the effort to call that someone who’s company you’ve missed over the last year, because of Covid-19. Chatting to a friend is a great way to relieve stress and anxiety. And there’s a good chance you’ll have a laugh as well!


13. Spend some quality time with your pet

Your pet will love you forever, even when you’re not at your best. Return the favor. Help them feel special. It has the added benefit of making you feel good too.


14. Try a new flavour of ice cream

Who doesn’t like ice cream? Obviously, if you have an intollerance to it, that will be a problem. But, indulging in a large portion of delicious ice cream is a winner every time for me 🙂


15. Spend your lunchtime in the park watching the birds, or the squirrels

Spend some time watching all the other forms of life going about their business. Watching squirrels frolic is a superb way to spend a few minutes. Or even just close your eyes and listen to the birds in the trees.


16. Watch something funny

Laughter really is the best medicine. Check out some funny videos to boost your mood.


17. Give someone a well-earned compliment

Complimenting someone on their achievements, or a job well-done, makes them feel good and you feel good as well. Give it a try!


18. Try meditation

Meditation is a great way of relaxing your mind and finding peace. Even just a few minutes can have huge benefits.


19. Clean up your space

Whether that’s your work space, your cooking space, or your shed/garage. The act of tidying gives you a feeling of success every time.


20. Give a heart-felt thank you to someone who deserves it

This idea goes back to the fact that making someone else feel good, makes you feel good as well. It’s simple to do and it’s win-win for both of you.


21. Try something new

Make the effort to expand your horizons. Make a list of some of the things you’d like to try, then commit to doing something toward that goal.


Final thought

There are so many different things you can try to increase your happiness and self-esteem every day. Only your imagination holds you back. Try to do one thing, just for you, every day. You’ll be so glad you did.

I’ve love to hear about what you tried and how it went in the comments 🙂



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