If you struggle to stay focused, try this meditation breathing technique to help you out.
Tag: focus
I guess, like most people, you’ve heard of setting goals using SMART? But, have you thought of using WOOP instead? Let’s find out more.
Have you been thinking about setting a new year resolution? If you have, this post is for you.
Now that your preparations for Christmas have all been sorted, it’s time to start looking at ways to set up a successful new year. Let’s get to it!
With Christmas just around the corner, now’s a great time to review the last 12 months.
What one thing do people do, that helps them live a full and exciting life? They set out to grow a little bit every day. Here’s 20 ways you can grow.
Do you let your anxiety stop you enjoying life? Let’s see what we can do about that 🙂
Do you always leave things ’till the last minute, or do you delay in case you missed something out? Then you’re probably being a procrastinator.
We all have dreams, right? But, how can you go about making your dreams a reality? Let’s find out.
Do you struggle to stay focused on your goals? You’re not alone. It’s one of the most often given reasons for not being successful. Let’s try to change that.
Being a people pleaser can seem like such a harmless trait, but it can destroy your self-esteem. Let’s find a better way 🙂
Must you meditate for at least 20 minutes each time, or is 2 minutes enough? Are short meditations good enough? Let’s find out.
Would you like to know how to make yourself feel good? Of course you would, we all do. But, let’s make sure we do it the right way.
We all get drawn to distractions now and then. I’m sure you know what it’s like? Sometimes it’s absolutely essential to watch just one more episode on Netflix, or, send
If you suffer from low self-esteem, clearly you’re going to face stress and anxiety. So, you need to know, that you can use mindfulness to remove anxiety.
Keeping a journal can be one of the most useful and empowering ways to increase your confidence & self-esteem. Let’s find out why.
In today’s fast-paced world, anxiety and stress is all too common. Fortunately, one of the simplest yet most effective tools to regain calm, is Mindful Breathing.
Try this simple mindfulness exercise in the morning. Give yourself the opportunity to start your day right, with a mindful drink.
Finding simple ways to be mindful everyday makes everything better. Here’s 4 simple ways that you can try today.
If you’re just getting started, here’s Here’s 7 tips to help you along in the first couple weeks, as you slowly get better at meditation.
If you’re trying to find the time to learn confidence, there’s one thing that can make a huge difference. Find out what it is and how to make the best use of it.
You get what you focus on. So, this post will help you to build a positive mindset so you can focus on the right things.
Knowing how to improve your motivation is a great skill. Without motivation, we’d all be sitting in front of the TV all day! Here’s 10 tips to help.
Almost everything you want to achieve in life requires some effort. Setting goals is great place to start.
Believe it or not, the most successful people in this world are those who failed the most! To be successful, you first need to be a failure.