Simple Steps to Help You Achieve Your Goals

Simple Steps to Help You Achieve Your Goals

Why is it necessary to set goals?

Keeping fitAlmost everything you want to achieve in life requires some effort. If not, everything would be easy and you wouldn’t be here 🙂

The problem comes because generally things aren’t easy, but that needn’t be the case. Setting goals that only require a small step outside your comfort zone, holds the key.

You often hear people say things like “I try to set goals, but I always mess up!”, or “I might last a week-or-so, but then it’s all too much trouble”, etc.

But, we all set goals everyday, even though we don’t realise it. And we’re all actually really good at it!

A goal can be defined as:

an observable, or measurable end result, which has one, or more objectives or steps, that have to be reached within a given time period’.

So, if we look at it, the need to wake up in time for work, or leave on time to get to your Dentist appointment next Tuesday are both  goals. Goals we all set and achieve, yet they’re seen as just part of our life.

So, why do so many of us fail, when we’re trying to set goals that will change our lives?

Looking at the definition, the problem is that our goals are either too vague, they’re too big to reach in one step, or there’s no defined timescale.


How do I set achievable goals?

Firstly, your overall goal must be specific.

And, it should have smaller steps, that require you to stretch your level of comfort a little bit, finally leading to their achievement. They must also have a specific end point.

These things make them much simpler to achieve; “I will get up at 7am tomorrow, so that I can be at work for 9am.”

This goal has a specific measurable end result – to be at work for 9am. It has a required step that needs to be taken – getting out of bed at 7am and a specific timescale – tomorrow morning.

Now if we take a couple of standard goals that many people aspire to, you can see the difference;

1. I want to be fitter.
2. I want more money.

If we break these down into their component parts, we can see why there are problems.

Do they have specific steps to their achievement? – NO

Do they have a specific timescale for their achievement? – NO

Are the end results measurable, or observable – YES (ish!)? You can measure whether you have become fitter and whether you have more money.  However, your mind is incapable of making a judgement decision;

eg. Two weeks ago you used to drive to the corner shop and now you walk. Your mind assumes that you’re fitter than you were before! If you should find a penny down the back of your couch. Your now have more money than you did before!

So, is it any wonder people seldom appear to reach those vague goals in the way they desire?

But, to your mind, the goals have been successfully reached.

that’s also the reason many people join a gym at the start of a new year, then stop going a few weeks ( or days ;-) ) later. Their mind is telling them that they’ve already achieved their goal, so they can stop trying now!


Setting goals the right way

To properly achieve a goal like the ones listed above let’s redesign them……

You could re-word ‘To have more money’ to  something like; “by 1st January next year I will have saved $5,000. I’ll do this by setting aside 10% of my monthly income, and by collecting the loose change from my pockets at the end of each day.”

‘To be fitter’ could be re-worded to maybe; “During the next 18 months I will complete at least 30 minutes of cardiac exercise at least three times per week and jog at least twice per week, increasing the distance slightly each time.”

One of the main reasons a lot of people’s larger dreams never become a reality, is purely because they seem too big to ever reach.

Let’s say you’re 21 years old and have goal that says “I will have $100,000 in my savings account by my 50th birthday”.

“A goal properly set, is halfway reached.” —Zig Ziglar



Break it down

To everyone (except the already wealthy), that $100,00 goal seems impossible to reach.

Set goals using specific stepsBut, with a series of smaller, achievable steps it becomes a reachable goal; if, of course you set up a plan to get there. -eg: Work out how much you would need to save each year to reach your eventual goal. Then, set these totals as smaller ‘step‘ goals. Then celebrate each time you reach one.

Next, work out different ways that you could reach these steps, for example;

1. I will work another job on a Saturday and have my wage paid directly into my savings account.
2. I will also transfer $200 from my main monthly salary into my saving account. 
3. I will put in the extra time necessary to gain an additional 5 sales per month – the commission from which will be transferred directly to my savings account, 
4. etc. 

Now, your original goal of having $100,000 in the bank in 29 years has everything you need to make it successful.

You have series of measurable outcomes, a plan of actions necessary to achieve them and a specific time period for each outcome.

Setting steps along the way will give you the impetus to continue and help your mind to realize that the final destination is completely achievable, (providing of course, you stick to your plan).


Final advice

One thing that always makes a huge difference to your level of success when goal setting, is finding you why. If you have a good reason to reach this goal, everything else is so much simpler.

It’s also important to write your goals down and review them regularly. By keeping them at the forefront of your mind, you’re more likely to bring them to fruition.

And, tell as many people as you can about your plans. It’s much harder to give up on your goals when you have to admit to other people that you’ve decided to give up!

You should get started on setting goals straight away. And don’t forget to let me know how you get on, using the comments section below 🙂


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