Remove One Thing from Your Life to Make it Better

Remove One Thing from Your Life to Make it Better

I almost always talk about adding things to your life to make it better. For example;

  • Start a new habit
  • aim for a new goal
  • ask yourself a better question
  • etc.

But, we all have something, or someone in our world, that we know makes our lives more difficult.

QCT-Remove one thing from your lifeSo, today I’m going to ask you to take something away.


Which one thing could you remove from your life, that would immediately make it better?


Ideas to help you remove one thing from your life

The answer to that question will be different for everyone, so there’s no wrong answers here. It should be whatever feels right for you.

It can be an item, like for example putting your phone in a different room when you eat. Or, deciding to distance yourself from a particularly demanding person.

It could equally be something like, deleting Social Media from your phone, or removing the often pressed 15 minute ‘snooze’ from your alarm settings.

What will it be for you?

Decide to remove one thing and write it down in your notebook, and stick to it.


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