Don’t Try to be Perfect. Just be Willing to Learn

Why you shouldn’t try to be perfect
The thing that I found most difficult, was to stop trying to do everything perfectly.
I would spend hours making sure that everything was in place before I started to do anything. I felt it was the only way, to be sure that I wouldn’t be ridiculed.
That obviously meant that nothing ever got done.
Then I learned a powerful skill that changed everything…
It’s way better to believe in your ability to learn, rather than thinking you need to know it all. The truth is, none of us can know everything!
You can always pick up the skills and knowledge you need to succeed.
And if you make a mistake, or if you find you’ve missed something, you can always learn from that and put it right next time.
“To err is Human, to forgive, Divine”
Making mistakes or ‘erring’ (where we get ‘error’ from) is a natural part of being human.
So, remember that ‘good enough’ is good enough. There is absolutely no need to try to be perfect, ever.
Focus on learning, and you’ll be just fine!
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