Overcoming Your Fear of Failure

Overcoming Your Fear of Failure

An overwhelming fear of failure – It’s generally one of the biggest issues for Social Anxiety sufferers.

You can beat your fear of failureThere’ll be times for everyone, when they struggle to do a thing, in case they mess up.

The problem is when those things are being put off, because of a fear of failure. Especially when in most cases, the likelihood of true failure is extremely low.

The reason for this fear, is usually because we think people are much more interested in us, then they really are.

In reality, they’re much more interested in themselves and aren’t really that bothered about how well we’re doing.

 “It was my fear of failure that first kept me from attempting the masterwork. Now, I’m beginning what I could have started ten years ago. But I’m happy at least, that I didn’t wait twenty years.”
~ Paulo Coelho

Apart from situations that are obviously difficult, or dangerous, etc. most fear is really just ‘F.E.A.R.’….

That’s False Evidence Appearing Real.

Our minds develop protection strategies to help keep us safe. Unfortunately, often those strategies can be over the top!

There’s plenty of information about failure, on this site and others. But, if you’d like some quick ideas on how to deal with it, you should read:

5 Simple Ways to Increase Your Self-belief’

Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone is Easy

Even a failure can be a successAnd, it’s worth remembering, that even if there’s a very real chance of failure, all is not lost.

Failure often brings success with it, you just need to know where to find it.

Failure isn’t as bad as it seems if you frame it correctly. See your failures as opportunities to learn something new, rather than as a reason to quit.

Have a read of other posts on this site, then take some small steps toward beating that F.E.A.R. 🙂

If you’ve got any questions or comments, please leave them in the comments section below.


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