5 Tips for When You’re Feeling Overwhelmed

Are you feeling overwhelmed?
The world we live in today, is full of more pressures and distractions than at any other time in history. And that makes it very easy to feel overwhelmed on a regular basis.
Feeling overwhelmed is a mental spiral that’s not easy to escape from. It can be hard to move yourself to a better mental place if you don’t know how to do it.
But, learning how to deal with the anxiety that comes from feeling overwhelmed is a skill that you can develop.
With practice, you can quickly get yourself back on track from any negative emotional state.
Tips for when you’re feeling overwhelmed
So, if you’re felling overwhelmed, follow these strategies to help ground yourself again:
1. Hold something in your hand.
This particular tip is taken from mindfulness.
If you’re feeling overwhelmed, pick up an object. In the beginning, the more interesting the object is, the better. But anything will work: A pen, a flashlight, a key, the TV remote, even your shoe will do.
Whatever you choose, hold it in your hand and focus on the texture. Try not to look at it and just concentrate on how it feels in your hand.
Move the object around in your hands and imagine the shape of the object as you’re feeling it. Try to form a mental picture based on what you’re feeling.
Then describe the texture and shape of it to yourself.
2. ‘5-4-3-2-1’.
It’s another technique from mindfulness. This one also forces you to focus on your senses, but this time, you’re going to use all of them.
For the five, look around your environment and describe something you see. You can do this aloud if you like. Describe its physical appearance in detail for 10-15 seconds. Then, repeat this until you have described five items.
Next, describe four things you feel. Usually, this is a physical sensation, such as the chair beneath you, the temperature of the air on your skin, the pressure of your feet on the floor, or your itchy nose, etc.
Next, describe three things you can hear. If it helps you concentrate, close your eyes, but you can always find at least three sounds in your environment if you try.
Now, what are two things you can smell? You can always pick something up and smell it helps.
And finally, what does your mouth taste like right now? Have a drink if necessary.
3. Call a trusted friend.
One of the best ways to deal with feeling overwhelmed is to reach out to a friend and have a chat.
Try to call someone who generally has an upbeat attitude. Someone who knows how to make you feel better.
4. Focus on your breath.
Again, this is taken from mindfulness and is very effective.
Start by feeling the breath going in and out of your body. Follow it’s route in your mind, down your windpipe and into your lungs. Feel your chest expand and contract as the breath goes in and out. You can only think about one thing at a time. So, if your attention is on your breath, it can’t be on whatever is making you feel overwhelmed.
5. Do something that moves you away from the cause.
Read a few pages of a book. Watch some cat videos on YouTube. Dance around the room. Do whatever it takes without harming yourself.
It’s a good idea to practice these techniques when your not feeling overwhelmed. The more you can practice when you’re in a health state of mind, the easier it’ll be to use them when the overwhelm starts.
Practice these techniques and be patient. Focusing your attention purposefully is a wonderful tool to have in your toolbox. But it takes practice. It’s well worth the time and energy though.
These are just a few of the most effective ways to reduce the effects of feeling overwhelmed. But do you have your own techniques? Why not share them in the comments below?