You get what you focus on. So, this post will help you to build a positive mindset so you can focus on the right things.
Confidence building goals are much easier to achieve if they’re SMARTER. Find out exactly how that works inside.
Do you set big goals, just to fail a few weeks later? There’s a reason only 8% of people achieve their goals. Make sure you’re one of them.
Do you spend ages setting your goals and making promises to yourself, just to give up on them a week or three later? Then you need to find your WHY.
Learning to trust yourself is about building your self-belief. So today, I’ll explain a bit more about that, and give you some techniques to help.
Get Motivated! You can’t be motivated all the time. Sure, you can feel good about what you’re doing all the time. But, staying motivated is difficult.
So, you want to feel better about yourself. Everyone, even the super confident wants to. So, in this article, I’m going to give you five things to help.
Your comfort zone controls your self-confidence. Step outside of it and your self-confidence grows, stay inside and it dies. Here’s how to help it grow, easily!
Do you feel you have no control over your life and don’t know what to do about it? You can use your internal power to change that with one simple question.
So, being self-confident, is about how much belief you have in yourself, to do something that’s uncomfortable. Let’s find out more.
Learning how to do something only gives you the tools. The power comes from how you use those tools – in other words, your action.
If you really want to boost your self-confidence, here’s a few simple things to do over the next few weeks, that’ll make a huge difference.
Knowing how to improve your motivation is a great skill. Without motivation, we’d all be sitting in front of the TV all day! Here’s 10 tips to help.
Almost everything you want to achieve in life requires some effort. Setting goals is great place to start.
Believe it or not, the most successful people in this world are those who failed the most! To be successful, you first need to be a failure.
What is excellence? How can we be excellent? In this week’s article I’ll show you what works for me and how it can work for you too.
What is mindfulness? Well, it has many interpretations. Here, I’ll try to explain it in simple terms. There’s also a fun video that breaks it down 🙂
Used for millennia as a way to clear the mind, the benefits of meditation and mindfulness are many. Building confidence is just one of them.