4 Habits to Boost Your Happiness and Confidence

4 Habits to Boost Your Happiness and Confidence

I remember thinking to myself just last week “I wish there was more anxiety and sadness in my life. Things are just way too good at the moment”

Obviously I didn’t think that, but we all act that way far too often.

It’s almost as though our lives have been designed to be difficult. Finding happiness and confidence is a constant battle, so we settle for what we have.

And everyone wants to be happier and live a better and more fulfilling life, right?

Well, in the next few minutes you’ll discover 4 simple habits to help boost your happiness and confidence.


Your happiness is down to you

Most people go though life, just ‘wishing’ it was better. But, because they’re anxious about what might go wrong, they don’t do anything to make it better.

It’s easy to see yourself as a victim of circumstance, believing you don’t have the power to make the necessary changes.

But, once you understand that you are responsible for the amount of happiness and success in your life, you can decide to do something to improve it and changes happen.

So, to get you started, here are four simple habits you can do every day, that’ll set you on the path to greater  happiness and confidence.

The Happiness and Confidence boosting habits:

1. Stretch Yourself

One of the most important things you can do each day is stretch yourself.

Not in the exercise sense, but in the things you’re willing to try. Most people stick to what they know, they stay well within their comfort zone because they know it’s safe.

Small changes to boost your happiness and confidenceTony Robbins once said that ‘people are the same as every form of life…. if you’re not growing, you’re dying’.

If you think about, he’s right. Every time you say no to doing something you’d like to do, you die a little bit inside.

Everyone, on their death-bed regrets not doing the things they wanted to do. Don’t be that person!

Start a habit to grow, just a little bit every day.

That could be, starting a habit to read for 30 minutes each day. Begin a new project you’ve been thinking about for a while, but never had the confidence to try, or start to learn a new skill.

You could learn a new language, or try out some new pastime, or hobby.

Life is so much more fulfilling when you move out of your comfort zone. You just have to take that initial step.

And, there are so many ways you can stretch yourself, without making it so difficult, that your concerns stop you doing anything.

What’s one thing you’d like to do today, that makes you just a little bit uncomfortable, but will be worth it afterwards?

Whenever you hear the little devil in your mind saying….“it’s fine to leave doing this until tomorrow.”, that might be something that, by doing it now will help you step out of your comfort zone. Why not give it a try?

2. Move your body

Successful people know that a healthy body is as important as a healthy mind. Some form of exercise is a vitally important area to consider on your road to happiness and confidence.

It’s no good being totally focused and driven in the beginning, just to run out of steam before you reach the finishing post.

Get some exerciseGetting exercise needn’t be going to the gym three times a week, or running 5 miles a day.

It could be something as simple as walking to the shops. Maybe getting off the bus one stop early every day and walking the last part of the journey, or even doing some simple exercises at home each day.

Regular exercise doesn’t only give you a fit and healthy body, but the process of exercising releases endorphins that can make you feel good.

In fact, some people describe the feeling that follows a run or workout as ‘euphoric’. This feeling, known as a ‘runner’s high’ helps to provide an energised outlook on life generally.

So, make the decision today to include some form of exercise in your day.

3. Go mental!

In the helpful way obviously 😉

Visualize your better futureTake a few minutes every day to Visualize your goals. Close your eyes and imagine how life will be, when the results of your goal become a part of your every day life.

What will your world look like, how will you be dressed, imagine how your posture and Demeanor look, how do your loved ones act towards you, etc.

Imagine yourself living in that better life, where happiness and confidence come much more easily.

Take in all of the sights, sounds and smells of the image…. actually be there in your mind.

Positive Visualization can be very effective in helping you reach your goals.

4. Be grateful

“An attitude of gratitude brings great things.” — Yogi Bhajan

“Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never, ever have enough.” — Oprah Winfrey

“Gratitude bestows reverence, allowing us to encounter everyday epiphanies, those transcendent moments of awe that change forever how we experience life and the world.” — John Milton

It doesn’t matter how difficult you feel your life is at the moment, remember that there’s always  going to be someone in a much worse position than you. Take the time to remember all the things you currently have and be grateful for them.

Creating a habit of gratefulness will improve your life in so many ways.

Be gratefulIf you think about it, you already have so many things that are just a dream to thousands of people.

Simple things like a loving family, or good health. Having a roof over your head, or a bed to sleep in each night. The ability to put food on the table and live in a country that has clean water to drink.

When you take a moment to reflect, you’ll realise you already have a very successful and happy life.


Final thoughts

So, there we are.

4 simple things, that when practiced regularly will give you a great start on your journey to experience a happy and confident life.

Being happier doesn’t have to be difficult. Just concentrate on changing the things you can change and be willing to move towards the things that aren’t entirely comfortable for you at the moment.

Happiness and confidence won’t just come knocking for you. You have to go knocking for them too.

If you can do that, happiness and confidence will become friends. And just like with any friend, you have to make an effort to meet them halfway.

I’m sure these simple habits will help you to become happier and more confident, just like they did for me.

Now it’s over to you, do you have any habits that help you to experience happiness and confidence? Why not share them with me in the comments below. 🙂


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