3 Things to Help You Take Responsibility for Your Confidence

3 Things to Help You Take Responsibility for Your Confidence

Why should you take responsibility for your confidence?

Although you’re not always to blame for the things that happen to you, you are always responsible for how those things make you feel.

Once you accept responsibility for that, you can start to make improvements. Here’s an example of what I mean…

Take responsibility for your confidence


The Journey to Self-Acceptance

Elena had many talents and warm heart, but she often found herself grappling with low self-confidence. Every morning, she’d stand in front of her mirror, scrutinizing her reflection, wishing she could see the beauty others saw in her.

The Struggle
At work, she hesitated to share her ideas during team meetings. She often thought, “What if they don’t like my work?” This doubt led her to miss opportunities for recognition and growth.

In her social circles, she felt overshadowed by her more outgoing friends. She’d often decline invitations, convinced that no one would notice her absence.

With each passing day, her self-doubt grew like a shadow, looming over her every decision. She felt trapped in a cycle of negativity, believing that external validation was the key to her happiness.

The Turning Point

One evening, while browsing through a local bookstore, Elena stumbled upon a self-help book. On the back cover, the author had written,

“Your confidence is a reflection of the decisions you make about yourself. It’s only by taking responsibility for your confidence, that you can hope to improve it”

That statement struck in her thoughts and as she lay in bed that night, she pondered over her life choices. She realized that she’d been giving away her power, allowing her insecurities to dictate her actions.

The Awakening

Determined to change, Elena made a pact with herself:

  1. Take Responsibility: She acknowledged that her feelings of inadequacy were rooted in her own perceptions.
  2. Set Small Goals: The next day, she decided to speak up during a team meeting. It was a small step, but a significant one.
  3. Practice Self-Compassion: She started writing down positive affirmations and reciting them each morning.

As days turned into weeks, she noticed a gradual shift in her mindset. Each time she took a step outside her comfort zone, she felt a surge of empowerment.

The Transformation

Months later, Elena stood in front of the same mirror. This time, she smiled genuinely at her reflection. She had learned to appreciate her uniqueness and embrace her flaws.

– At work, she was more confident at receiving praise from her colleagues.
– In her personal life, she began to engage more freely, building deeper connections with friends.

Elena discovered that self-confidence was not a fixed trait but a skill that could be nurtured. By taking responsibility for her feelings and decisions, she reshaped her reality.



The only person who can change the way you feel about yourself, is you. Other people can influence the way you feel, but only if you let them.

The quick tip today is to decide on 3 things you can do daily, to change the way you think about yourself. Yes, I want you to decide what the 3 things are 😀.

So, think of three things you can do, or stop doing from today, to take responsibility for your confidence and self-esteem.

If you read the story above, you’ve already got some ideas to get you started. What things make sense for your situation?

There’s no wrong answers here. You know the situations that cause you stress and anxiety, so you’re the one best placed to decide on three ways to help fix them (It’s also the first stage in taking responsibility).

“Concern yourself more with accepting responsibility than with assigning blame. Let the possibilities inspire you more than the obstacles discourage you.”


Final thoughts

Resolve to face up to problems and difficulties rather than avoiding them. Avoiding pain and discomfort (both physical and emotional), is understandable, but self-defeating in the longer term.

You end up finding yourself being confronted by similar difficulties over and over again, until you eventually have to face up to them anyway. And it does nothing to help your confidence.

So, remember to take responsibility for your confidence, your feelings and your happiness. With responsibility comes an opportunity to make things better.


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