Do you let your anxiety stop you enjoying life? Let’s see what we can do about that 🙂
Tag: belief
Do you always leave things ’till the last minute, or do you delay in case you missed something out? Then you’re probably being a procrastinator.
Failure is part of everyday life for everyone. But if you can, you need to fail more often. Let me explain why.
Have you ever noticed how a single negative thought can spiral into a mountain of self-doubt? Learn how to reduce negative thoughts in 6 simple ways.
You’re not always to blame for what happens to you: you are responsible for how you feel about it. That includes taking responsibility for your confidence.
Don’t try to be perfect. It’s way better to believe in your ability to learn, rather than thinking you need to know it all.
Why should you change the way you think? Well, negative thoughts severely impact our self-esteem and should be challenged. Here’s how NLP can help.
Are you someone who finds it difficult to take responsibility for your actions when you make a mistake? Let’s change that today.
Do you wish you could be confident at anything? Today’s tip, gives you the first step in a very successful process to make that happen.
Are you looking for ways to increase your self-belief, because you’re struggling to find confidence in yourself? This post can definitely help.
Your Values, are the compass that points you in the right direction. Today, you’ll be transforming your limiting beliefs into empowering ones.
Do you think that actors are really like the characters they’re playing? Of course not. If you want to be confident, act as if you’re already confident first.
Your belief system is a library of stories you tell yourself, to explain the things you experience in life. Unfortunately, most of them are lies.
So, what is the difference between self-esteem and self-confidence? Are you as confused as I was? I’ll try to simplify it for you inside.
If you improve your self-belief, you’ll be happier, more confident and better equipped to tackle challenges. Here’s 10 ways to do it.
Inside, you’ll find 10 simple tips to help build confidence, that you can follow every day.
Can you fake confidence? Absolutely! And it will increase your real confidence. Let’s find out why it works and how to do it.
You get what you focus on. So, this post will help you to build a positive mindset so you can focus on the right things.
Learning to trust yourself is about building your self-belief. So today, I’ll explain a bit more about that, and give you some techniques to help.
So, you want to feel better about yourself. Everyone, even the super confident wants to. So, in this article, I’m going to give you five things to help.
Do you feel you have no control over your life and don’t know what to do about it? You can use your internal power to change that with one simple question.
So, being self-confident, is about how much belief you have in yourself, to do something that’s uncomfortable. Let’s find out more.
If you really want to boost your self-confidence, here’s a few simple things to do over the next few weeks, that’ll make a huge difference.